This is the beginner's meditation course for the Ishayas' Ascension practice, also known as the First Sphere Course. During this course, you will get to learn the four primary techniques of Ascension. These techniques are incredibly powerful and effective at dissolving the root stresses in your nervous system and directing your Awareness onto the source of peace, joy and love within.
The course is designed for you to relax, rest and enjoy. There will also be additional inspirational discourses on the mechanism of how your mind works, what meditation is and what it can do for you, as well as discovering more about the infinite potential of human consciousness.
Nací en la ciudad de Durango y después de muchos años de vivir en otras ciudades regresé a mi ciudad natal.
Actualmente vivo sola, disfrutando el amor y la compañía de mis hermanos y sobrinos.
Actualmente me dedico a dar terapias de medicina alternativa y a realizar actividades relacionadas con la Ascensión.
Mi pasión: el disfrute y contentamiento de experimentar el momento presente.